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TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.4700.25 Final + KeyGen
At » 9:58 PM // 1 Comments »
TuneUp Utilities can make your Windows operating system faster, more comfortable and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories.
The software helps both beginners and experts to makeWindows meet their needs in a way that is better, easier and safer. All important system options are explained in an easy way and can be turned on or off at the click of your mouse. TuneUp Utilities will then make the necessary changes in the registry or boot files automatically. We place a high value on system stability, so that Windows won't stop working reliably. And most changes that you make can be undone in TuneUp Rescue Center - easily and safely.
The software helps both beginners and experts to make
TuneUp Utilities automatically runs important maintenance tasks for you, makes you aware of any problems and offers simple solutions. This ensures performance is always at its best. A slow and untidy computer is now a thing of the past for you. You can also use TuneUp Utilities to customize the appearance of your Windows system - to make working on your computer more enjoyable.
With TuneUp Utilities you will quickly make your Windows system faster and more convenient to use- and ensure that it stays like this for the long term. This makes TuneUp Utilities the perfect program for everyone: for those who would rather leave the computer maintenance to a reliable partner as well as for those who would rather do everything themselves.
The TuneUp Turbo Mode provides an immediate performance boost whenever you need it. When you use your computer in the TuneUp Turbo Mode, an analysis is performed to see which tasks, programs and functions are currently running in the background that are not strictly necessary. These Programs are stopped or slowed down, allowing the additional processing power gained to be used exclusively by the Programs you are actually runningDOWNLOAD : HotFile
Guinness World Record 2011
At » 9:30 PM // 0 Comments »
Puggy - Anjing dengan Lidah terpanjang di dunia ( 11,43 cm ) |
Beer Barrel Saloon - Bar Terpanjang di dunia ( 123,7 meter ) |
Victor Gomez - Manusia dengan 98% tubuhnya di selimuti rambut tebal |
Sultan Kosen - Manusia Tertinggi di dunia ( 246,5 cm ) |
Fluffy - Ular Phyton Terpanjang Di Dunia ( 7,3 meter ) |
David Adamovich - Melempar 102 Pisau dalam 1 menit di sekitar partnernya |
Andrew - Menggelembungkan 23 bola dalam 3 menit menggunakan hidung |
Stephen Parkes ( 44 tahun ) - Berpose menjadi bagian dari koleksi gnome nya di 1061 pameran. |
Sapi berumur 11 tahun dengan tinggi hanya 83 cm |
Rumah yang terbalik
At » 8:06 PM // 0 Comments »
Rumah Terbalik di Korea Selatan |
Beginilah jadinya kalo seorang arsitek kehilangan imajinasi untuk membangun sebuah rumah. Atau mungkin ini merupakan imajinasi "gila-gilaan" oleh para arsitek. Rumah ini bukan sekedar rancangan atau miniatur, melainkan rumah sungguhan layaknya rumah pada umumnya,. yang membedakan rumah ini dengan rumah lain hanya pada desain bangunan. Pada umumnya desain rumah memiliki Atap di atas dan lantai di bawah, tapi rumah ini terbalik 180 derajat, dimana lantai menjadi di atas dan atap di bawah.
Amusement Park di Florida |
House of Wonders di Spanyol |
Coffe Shop di Jepang |
Museum di Polandia |
Rumah terbalik di Jerman |
Sculpture di Kanada |
Cabin di California |
Ditemukan Kerangka Manusia setinggi 12 meter di India
At » 12:02 PM // 0 Comments »
Kerangka raksasa digali di temukan di sebuah gurun di India.
Raksasa ini muncul dalam legenda Australia, Belgia, Chad, Chile, Cina, Inggris, Perancis, Jerman, Yunani, Belanda, India, Italia, Kazakhstan, Laos, kulit Maroko, Belanda, Nova Scotia, Pakistan, Patagonia, Filipina , Polandia, Rwanda, Rusia, Skotlandia, Sisilia, Spanyol, Swedia, Swiss, Wales, Zanzibar. Berita ini pertama kali muncul di Internet, melaporkan bahwa kerangka itu ditemukan di suatu tempat di padang pasir barat India. Pemerintah Tentara India menggerebek area tersebut dan tidak mengizinkan siapapun kecuali tim penggalian khusus Geographic Nasional.
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- Rian Anggriawan
- Mahasiswa tingkat akhir di salah satu institut swasta di Bandung
Kerangka raksasa digali di temukan di sebuah gurun di India. Raksasa ini muncul dalam legenda Australia, Belgia, Chad, Chile, Cina, Inggri...
TuneUp Utilities can make your Windows operating system faster, more comfortable and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. And all op...
Puggy - Anjing dengan Lidah terpanjang di dunia ( 11,43 cm ) Beer Barrel Saloon - Bar Terpanjang di dunia ( 123,7 meter ) Victor G...
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Kerangka raksasa digali di temukan di sebuah gurun di India. Raksasa ini muncul dalam legenda Australia, Belgia, Chad, Chile, Cina, Inggri...
TuneUp Utilities can make your Windows operating system faster, more comfortable and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. And all op...
Puggy - Anjing dengan Lidah terpanjang di dunia ( 11,43 cm ) Beer Barrel Saloon - Bar Terpanjang di dunia ( 123,7 meter ) Victor G...
Indonesia TV Channel tvOne Live Streaming